Year 10
You missed a big one, Dad.
RG is growing up so fast. She is brave and compassionate. A bit of a drama queen, but an entertaining one. She loves to color, sing and dance, and she has become obsessed with video games. It hurts to know she has and will never play tux racer with you.
RC is also growing up fast. She is diligent, kind, and devout. You would have a lot of respect for the incredible young woman she is.
M is thoughtful, very bright, and still curious. She shocks me with new bits of herself all the time. She still has the most contagious and joyful laugh.
JL is adventurous and always willing to try something new. She is beautiful and sweet. One of my favorite people to just run errands with or go out for no reason with.
S bought a car! She is not the little punk that could trick you into saying yes every time (although I do not think you could tell her no even still). She is independent and spunky. A little too cute if you ask her eldest sister.
JB is J. She is still the sibling that can get me to belly laugh and nearly kill myself from lack of air. She tells stories better than anyone I know. She is one of the best friends I could have ever hoped for.
LS is quiet and on her own clock (since those high chair days). She has been a better sister than me a lot recently. Might email her for a proof read after I finish writing this.
P is a punk and may take a year to read this, but he is still a thoughtful little brother. He has gone through a lot of changes this year and handled them very well. I am quite impressed by his resilience and adaptability when life changes.
LD is working really hard. You would be really impressed with him. I think we are closer than we were before.
I moved out. I went to Mexico. I taught myself how to make tamales, which I know you loved. I went to the gym for the first time since that day you left me alone.
I have been happy. Really happy. I can not remember a September with so much joy as this one, but yesterday I cried. You did not get to hug me or shake the hand of the man I love when he asked me to spend my life with him and marry him. He has helped me heal and grow in more ways than even I know. He is strong, loves fiercely, is forgiving, is fun and peaceful, works hard, and most of all he loves God.
He has dark hair and strong hands, so even little Amelia would approve.
I am looking forward to walking to Heaven with him.
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